What Moms Have to Say:

We value what our Moms have to say about Nourish and the care we provide. Please read how we have contributed to the mother-babies below:

Emily V.

Via Facebook

So so thankful for Beth’s help! My little boy was born at 37 weeks and so was naturally a poor eater! She came to our home the day after we got home from the hospital on last minute notice and did a weighted feed and checked for tongue/lip ties. We have seen her 2 more times in the month that he has been born and she has been such a blessing! She is so encouraging and has the best advice. Everyone needs a Beth! 💕 I would have given up on our breastfeeding journey if it wasn’t for her advice and support.


Mandi K.

Via Facebook 

My relationship with Beth Turner started the day my daughter was born on March 10, 2020, the day that the hospital started restrictions on visitors and a few days before Governor Kay Ivey shut down the state due to COVID-19. I remember being terrified of not being able to breastfeed because I wanted to make sure that my daughter had any and all antibodies needed to fight the virus because so little was known about the sickness and it’s effect on kids - especially newborns. I stayed many days at home stressed and feeling down about my journey because I was a new mom and I was doing this alone. My husband worked at the hospital with Beth, but there was only me home with the newborn to guide myself. I spent countless hours struggling, crying, nipples bleeding, and feeling so worthless because I felt like I was failing and I was terrified of getting COVID-19 around my newborn. On top of all of the stress of new motherhood, I was healing from a traumatic emergency c-section. I figured since the state was shut down, I would be doing a lot of this on my own. I couldn’t have visitors, not even family or friends. We were all too afraid and there was so much unknown. I remember trying to remember everything that Beth taught me while in the hospital and feeling like I wasn’t doing it right. A few days later, I got a phone call from the hospital. It was Beth. She was calling and asking about how breastfeeding was going and she walking me through the latch process again. I started to get the hang of it. At the week mark, she called again. I was so relieved to hear her voice checking in and giving me the support I needed. Afterwards, she called monthly to walk me through any issues I was having. She made it so easy to talk to her and she was so kind and patient. I was so grateful that even through a pandemic, she made sure to check on me and help me. As months went on, we started pumping to try bottles. This was hands down worse than learning how to breastfeed. She refused any and all bottle types. She only wanted the breast. I freaked out because in a few months school was starting back and then couldn’t get her to take my milk from a bottle. I reached out and she did some research. She helped me discover that my milk had too much lactase. Gryffin was rejecting the taste and smell. We ran through a couple of experiments and finally figured it out. It’s insane, but I would simmer the milk right after pumping for a few seconds, cool it down, and then freeze. It would keep it from smelling and tasting weird. It helped us get through the first 6 months. After that, it was pretty easy. I had become comfortable pumping at work and Gryffin Dale was thriving. She called me for the final time on my daughter’s birthday. It was such a bittersweet moment. I’m so, so grateful for the help and support that Beth offered during such a difficult time. If I had a second child, it would be a no brainer that I would use her new lactation services. New moms, please find your support for nursing. Beth is fantastic and one of THE best lactation consultants in the Wiregrass. We are so incredibly lucky!! Thank you again, Beth. 💕


Katie M.

Via Facebook

New mothers and soon-to-be mothers… you need to know that this lady is available to help you with all of your breastfeeding and lactation questions and obstacles. She is a family friend of ours that came to the rescue when my daughter was just days old and we could not get over our hurdle with latching. Beth was a Godsend when I was beyond ready to give up. Thanks to her recommendations, support, and encouragement, my outlook changed, and I made it to the 1 year mark exclusively breastfeeding my girl. There’s no way we could have gotten through it without her expertise and support. I’m so thankful for her and definitely recommend her to anyone who is struggling or has questions about nursing or pumping, etc. 💗🍼💙
