Beth Turner, RN, IBCLC, of Nourish Lactation Services LLC in Dothan, AL, specializes in breastfeeding education, instruction, and support as well as assisting in the treatment of oral dysfunctions/rehabilitation.

Beth Turner, RN, IBCLC

Beth Turner is a Registered Nurse and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant who has worked exclusively with mothers and babies for 18 years. She served in Labor and Delivery, OB Triage, hospital lactation, and outpatient lactation. Currently, Beth hosts a breastfeeding support group online offering guidance and education to over 1,000 members. She leads breastfeeding classes for new parents and provides instruction for college nursing students. Beth completed her MasterClass Certification allowing her to specialize in oral restrictions and oral rehabilitation. She offers resources, interventions, and innovative techniques to support the habilitation of the breastfeeding moms and babies on overcoming oral dysfunction. Beth was asked to serve as Chair of the Alabama Breastfeeding Committee, where she currently serves. Her passion is engaging with moms to achieve their breastfeeding goals and building confidence in this new and often challenging season of motherhood. Beth is a devoted mother to 3 children, two of whom were exclusively breastfed — one for 15 months and the other for over 2 years — allowing her to provide firsthand perspective. Through Nourish Lactation Services, Beth will provide in-office and in-home visits to mothers and children in Dothan and surrounding communities. Telehealth visit available upon request.

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